There was always SOMETHING out there in the deep, mysterious void. IT was ONE. IT was simple when ignored and complex when observed. IT was incomprehensible and without definition. And in its complexity IT was neither “being” nor “non-being;” neither male nor female. IT was without form, and without need of sustenance of any kind. IT knew neither time nor space and yet IT birthed all “being” as yin and all “non-being” as yang. IT was TAO… the Way of Things… the eternal source and sustainer of all things.
…And then there was time and sequence of events, and yin and yang gave birth to the illusion of all division and “being.”
When men began to divide things by naming them, many named IT “God” and gave IT cultural names.
And thus it came to be that…
There are as many names for God as there are tongues to speak them.
There are as many faces of God as there are eyes to behold them.
There are as many paths to God as there are feet to walk them.
No name is the complete name.
No face is the complete face.
No path is the complete path.